Tonight I went to Glasgow! I didn't see much though, as it was dark. It was a bit of a fiasco getting there, but I finally figured out the train schedule and was safely on my way.
My reason for going was the Banff Mountain Film Festival, which I have been going to every year back home for years. I was sorry to be missing it this winter, but I was thrilled to see it would be playing in Glasgow, so I made a bit of an effort to go.
The films this year were really

good; it was the best year in a few, I think, I liked them all. In particular there was a good one about a Swiss alpinist; it was pretty inspirational. He seemed, on the outside, a very modest and quiet man, but the film showed his intense drive to achieve his goals. There was also a good one about fishing in Kamchatka, which I think the whole audience was a bit apprehensive about, because it was the long film for the night - generally there are a number of short films with a long one, 40 minutes to an hour, in the middle. But it turned out to be really great. Also, the first film, only about five minutes long, was a series of photographs which this man had taken of himself every day for about 7 months as he walked across China. It was a neat idea because, even though it was just one photo a day (3,000 in 5 minutes, so they went by pretty quickly), it told the entire story of his journey, perhaps even better than had he filmed it.
All in all it was a great night, and I'm glad I made the effort and got to where I was going. I'll have to go back and see Glasgow in the day sometime.
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